Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Android App - "Dog Food Calculator"


So this is my second Android App that I put on App Store. My first app was calculating BMI for Adults, Kids and Infants. I don't expect a lot of downloads or install with these apps. It was a lot of fun working on it and it doesn't take that much time to do. I spent about approximately 2 and a half week to finish this app.

Here's the link from Google Play Store: Dog Food Calculator

This app calculates the food requirements for your dog based on the energy (calorie) needs to maintain a healthy weight for their life stage. The calculation depends upon their energy and activity level. What I have added that I don't see from other dog food calculator out there is that it allows you to put in the dog food information like KCal/Cup, KCal/Kg, Bag Size, Price / Bag. Based on these information, I calculate the amount of food needed for your dog (Cups / Day). I also calculate the Cost / Day and how long will the bag lasts.

I thought it would be fun to add the dog breed list and used their min & max weight to calculate the costs based on the energy / activity level that user has chosen. I wrote some scripts to collect the dog breeds information that I think is fun from the internet. I added a Dog Breed Details where it allows you to change the weight on the fly and it calculates the cost based on the Energy / Activity level that user has selected.

I also thought it would be good to have it translated into Spanish and Chinese. I basically use Google Translate and since I don't speak Spanish, I rely on my friend to review the translation. As for the Mandarin, I did it myself even thought I am not very good at it. I was quite impressed with Google Translate, I wouldn't have thought of using some of the words if I were doing it myself.

Here are some technical details:
Android Studio: 2.1.3
BitBucket - Git Version Control System.
Fabric: Crashlytics - I used it to tract failures.
Fabric: Mopub - I used Banner and Interstitial Ads.
GreenRobot: GreenDao - Android ORM for SQLite DB.
GreenRobot: EventBus - Event Bus.
Proguard: Obfuscate android code.

It was a lot of fun working on this. I am working on a third App now.

If you have a dog and you don't really know how much you should feed your dog? Please download this app and give it a try. Your dog might be starving :).

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